Is Presidential TV Ad Spending Really Idiotic, Like Vivek Ramaswamy Says?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and poking around Xitter, when I came across this post on David Axelrod’s feed addressing the latest nonsense from Vivek Ramasmarmy – sorry, Ramaswamy. Two questions for you, Doc – is […]

Aren’t the Chris Christie Super PAC Ads Actually Telling It Like It Isn’t?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and poking around Politico, when I came across Alex Isenstadt’s piece about Chris Christie kneecapping Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire presidential primary. Chris Christie has singularly devoted his presidential campaign […]

Who’s Coughing Up the Cash for Full-Page Ads Touting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and flipping through the Boston Globe, when I came across this full-page ad on A3. What the hell, Doc – this guy’s calling card is his anti-vaccine jihad, but no mention […]

Wait, What? There’s Already a Ron DeSantis 2024 Presidential Ad?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and reading a Politico Nightly post by David Siders and Charlie Mathesian, when I came across this item, which noted that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign announcement had failed utterly to freeze […]

Won’t Democrats Eventually Get Burned By Their Ads Boosting GOP Crazies?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and reading Charlie Sykes’s Morning Shots newsletter at The Bulwark, when I came across this item linking to a Lachlan Markay piece at Axios. FFS. “Democrats boost right-wing challenger to GOP Trump […]

Is My TV Really Smart Enough to Track – And Sell – All My Ad-Watching Data?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and tooling around Xitter, when I came across this post from the always lively and informative David S. Bernstein. Here’s the rest of Maggie Severns’ post: “. . . you’ve been […]

Why Is Nikki Haley Barely Nicking Donald Trump in Her First Iowa TV Spot?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and paging through the Weekend Wall Street Journal, when I came across this interview with Nikki Haley based on a sit-down the former South Carolina governor and U.N. Ambassador in the Trump […]

Is a Trump-Aligned Super PAC Ad Lying About Ron DeSantis?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out. Dear Dr. Ads, There I was, minding my own business and checking out the news on MediaPost when I came across Wayne Friedman’s piece about a new ad campaign funded by a Donald Trump-supported Super PAC. It attacks Florida governor (and […]