Do Donald Trump’s Fundraising Emails Really Claim Biden Will Behead Him?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out.

Dear Dr. Ads,

There I was, minding my own business and working my way through Politico Playbook, when I came across this item about the latest scam from the Cheeto in Chief.

Donald Trump’s campaign is lying in fundraising emails to juice big bucks.

Isn’t this a dog-bites-dog story, Doc? Trump’s a pathological liar – what else is new?

– Chatter in Chief

Dear CiC,

Right – if Donald Trump’s mouth is moving or it’s a day ending in y etc. etc. But this particular grift does plow new ground, as Josh Dawsey and Isaac Arnsdorf report in the Washington Post.

The fundraising pitch from Donald Trump was neither accurate nor subtle.


The message blasted out to his supporters was a reference to the former president’s sentencing scheduled for July 11, when he faces fines or possible jail time after being convicted on 34 charges of business fraud in connection with hush money paid to an adult-film star. A death sentence is not under consideration in the case. Neither is a “GUILLOTINE,” as another fundraising pitch suggested last week.

Regardless . . .

There’s no doubt Trump would die a little if New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan slammed the big door on him, but that’s highly unlikely to happen. Even more unlikely is Trump ever starring in a very special episode of The Celebrity Beheading.

Of course, that matters not at all to the ride-or-die MAGA mob, as WaPo’s Dawsey and Arnsdorf detailed.

Campaign finance records filed [June 20] showed the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and an allied super PAC raised $171 million in May. The surge left Trump and the RNC with more cash on hand than Biden and the Democratic National Committee, the reports showed.

The Doc’s diagnosis: Hang on tight. There’s no bottom to that well.

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