Will the Biden/Harris ‘Snapped’ Ad Really Make Donald Trump ‘Snap More’?

Well the Doc opened up the old mailbag today and here’s what poured out.

Dear Dr. Ads,

There I was, minding my own business and tooling around Xitter, when I came across this post from corgi lover/Never Trumper/legal eagle George Conway.

That’s Adrienne Elrod, senior adviser and senior spokesperson for Joe Biden touting his latest swipe at the Cheeto in Chief, which “reminds voters of Trump’s presidency, which was just the beginning of Trump’s decline into the unhinged, power-hungry candidate he is today.”

Whaddaya think, Doc – is the Biden campaign on to something here?

– Snappy Comeback

Dear SC,

According to this piece by The Hill’s Alex Gangitano, Snapped “is part of the [Biden] campaign’s $14 million paid media buy for May and will run on general market television and digital platforms across battleground states, as well as on national cable television.”

De Niro: “From midnight tweets, to drinking bleach, to tear-gassing citizens and staging a photo-op, we knew Trump was out of control when he was president, and then he lost the 2020 election and snapped. Desperately trying to hold on to power. Now he’s running again, this time threatening to be a dictator, to terminate the Constitution . . . Trump wants revenge, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.”

Nidia Cavazos of CBS News reports that the Biden campaign is also running this spot “slamming Trump on gun control 2 years after Uvalde shooting.”

The Doc’s diagnosis: George Conway is on to something. We’re likely see gun control before we see self control from Trump.

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